An Indianapolis winter is upon us. As you brace yourself for the inevitable snow and ice that comes with the season, the mechanics at Joe’s Service Department are here to help you ensure your vehicle is ready to handle the slick roads. Here are three things you can do to prepare your vehicle for the […]
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3 Practical Tips to Prepare Your Vehicle for an Indianapolis Winter

Stop Right There: A Beginner’s Guide to How Car Brakes Work
Brakes are perhaps the most crucial safety feature in any vehicle, but many of us don’t understand their fascinating mechanics. The pros at Indianapolis’ Joe’s Service Department are here with a quick breakdown of how brakes work so you can know what happens when you press your foot on the pedal.

4 Signs It’s Time to Service Your Brakes
For a lot of us, our cars are our home away from home. Whether we are driving our family members to after-school activities or going to and from work around Indianapolis, it’s important our vehicles run smoothly. The good news is, if we know what to look for, our cars give us clues when they […]

Festive Ways to Spruce up Your Car for Christmas
No matter what kind of car you drive, there’s no reason why it can’t get into the Christmas spirit! Whether you’re decking out your vehicle for a family trip to grandma’s house or adding a little holiday cheer to your daily commute, these tips from Joe’s Service Department will make your car look its best. […]

Car Maintenance Q&A To Ease Your Fears
Fall is here! Leaves are changing color, the days are getting shorter, and Halloween is right around the corner. Still, even if you enjoy spooks and haunts, you don’t want to be scared when it comes to your car’s performance. At Joe’s Service Department, we field many car owners’ questions. Keep reading to learn common […]

Schedule a Tune-Up to Keep Your New Car in Tip-Top Shape
Owning a new vehicle is exhilarating. There is nothing like that new car smell, a perfectly clean interior, and enjoying all the bells and whistles of the latest technology. If not properly maintained, however, your new car will begin to experience problems. Keep your car in tip-top shape with auto maintenance from Joe’s Service Department […]

Prepare Your Vehicle for Winter in 8 Simple Steps: Part Two
Winter weather is hard on vehicles. Stop by Joe’s Service Department in Indianapolis for a tune-up and routine maintenance to make sure your car is well-prepared for the snow and ice. Generally, we recommend taking the following eight precautions each winter to keep your car in proper working order. See our previous post for the […]

Prepare Your Vehicle for Winter in 8 Simple Steps: Part One
It’s beginning to look and feel like winter here in Indianapolis. That said, when is the last time you brought your car to Joe’s Service Department for routine car maintenance? Vehicles need special attention in the winter to keep them running smoothly and safely through the wind and snow. Don’t wait until it’s too late: […]

Reduce Your Risk of Being in an Accident with Routine Auto Maintenance
Every year, there are more than two million traffic accidents in the United States. Of these, roughly 94% are caused by poor driver decisions. Additionally, at least 2% (44,000) of accidents are the result of mechanical failure. At Joe’s Service Department, we aim to keep our customers safe by encouraging smart driving and routine vehicle […]

Don’t Ignore These 5 Signs of Brake Failure
Brakes are one of those things we often take for granted. In fact, you probably don’t give them much thought at all until they start acting up! But once you start noticing problems with how your brakes are responding, don’t hesitate to bring your car to Joe’s Service Department for a checkup. We’ll diagnose the […]