An Indianapolis winter is upon us. As you brace yourself for the inevitable snow and ice that comes with the season, the mechanics at Joe’s Service Department are here to help you ensure your vehicle is ready to handle the slick roads. Here are three things you can do to prepare your vehicle for the […]
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3 Practical Tips to Prepare Your Vehicle for an Indianapolis Winter

Road Trip with Confidence: A 6-Step Car Preparation Guide
Are you planning to hit the open road and explore the unknown with your family this spring or summer? Ensuring your vehicle is in tip-top shape guarantees a smoother trip and can help safeguard your family. At Joe’s Service Department, we understand that the key to a memorable road trip is in the preparation, and […]

Get Your Wheels in Line: The Importance of Tire Alignment
There’s a lot to consider when taking care of your vehicle because you rely on it to get from place to place around Indianapolis. And while tire alignment may not be the most exciting car care topic out there, it’s certainly an important one. A proper alignment can improve your vehicle’s handling and fuel efficiency, […]

Extend the Life of Your Car with Regular Maintenance
The price of everything is going up, and auto vehicles are toward the top of the list. Even used and rental cars recently experienced price hikes. Now, more than ever, it’s important to extend the life of your car with regular maintenance and necessary repairs. At Joe’s Service Department, certified technicians keep your vehicle roadworthy […]

5 Tell-Tale Signs Your Tires Need Aligned
Wheel and tire maintenance is crucial for maintaining the safety and efficiency of your vehicle. Many of our clients understand the importance of maintaining adequate tire pressure and tread depth. One aspect of wheel maintenance many people forget, however, is wheel alignment is. If you haven’t had your wheels checked lately, call Joe’s Service Department […]

Prepare Your Vehicle for Winter in 8 Simple Steps: Part Two
Winter weather is hard on vehicles. Stop by Joe’s Service Department in Indianapolis for a tune-up and routine maintenance to make sure your car is well-prepared for the snow and ice. Generally, we recommend taking the following eight precautions each winter to keep your car in proper working order. See our previous post for the […]

5 Tips to Get Your Car Ready for Summer
Summer means road trips, vacations, and picnics. But it also means it’s time to invest in routine maintenance for your vehicle. At Joe’s Service Department, we perform annual tune-ups to help our clients’ vehicles run efficiently for many years. To keep your car running smoothly this summer, follow these five tips for summer car maintenance.

Our Top 4 Most Frequently Asked Questions about Auto Maintenance
Here at Joe’s Service Department, we get a lot of questions about car maintenance. Proper maintenance is key to extending the lifespan of your vehicle and avoiding costly repair bills. To help you keep your car in tip top shape, we’ve decided to discuss our top four most frequently asked questions.

Reduce Your Risk of Being in an Accident with Routine Auto Maintenance
Every year, there are more than two million traffic accidents in the United States. Of these, roughly 94% are caused by poor driver decisions. Additionally, at least 2% (44,000) of accidents are the result of mechanical failure. At Joe’s Service Department, we aim to keep our customers safe by encouraging smart driving and routine vehicle […]

Time for a Tire Rotation? Don’t Ignore These Warning Signs.
Sometimes we ignore the things we depend on the most. You probably don’t give your tires much thought until they become a problem. And that’s a problem! Don’t take for granted the safety that properly aligned, installed, and inflated tires can provide. If you think your tires may need some help, the expert team Joe’s […]